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Hello my magical friends. My names Bianca. I am a psychic medium green vvitch from Colorado. And a guide for the collective. I specialize in cleansing, protection and using my mediumship abilities. Find me on TikTok and Instagram doing live readings @greenvvitch333 and follow me on Twitter @greenvvitch333. Thank you for finding me and giving me your time love and support. Love and light 🤍 Blessed Be. I am not a doctor or a licensed professional. I am not responsible or reliable for any life choices you make or how you take the reading and apply it to yourself and your life. For entertainment purposes only.

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  • This item smells so sweet. When I rub it on, I can feel the changes it brings to me. It changes my mood. I love it.

    - Liana

  • Such a great find!! Instantly felt the energy radiating from the bottle. A few days of using the oil, I easily grounded and focused. My intuition has been effortlessly flowing, and accurate.

    - Matthew

  • The packaging was amazing, received it on time & on a full moon!! As soon as I used the oil you can feel the powerful energy immediately.

    - Lucy